HAHAHA, wow, I have NEVER burned anything before so I was a little shocked at myself. But makes for a funny time.
This weekend was pretty nice as far as weather goes (especially when you think about the snow we had a couple weeks ago) so the manz and I took our little puppies to the dog park for some outside time off the least. Allie is still pretty shy and either runs from other dogs or sits down when they come around to sniff. Toby on the other hand is a little more brave and will go around to everyone and 'introduce' himself but would rather sniff the ground and run with Allie than play with any of the other dogs and puppies. At one point, a larger dog (under 30 pounds probably) was trying to play with Toby...all he did was shriek, literally shriek, and run away with his tail tucked. While I kind of laughed, it made me realize that he was actually terrified of some dogs and I really don't want him, or Allie, to be. So anyway, until I started feeling sick, this weekend was a good one spent with the babies and the manz.
And I'll leave you with my safe-conscious little man, Toby. His sister, Allie, prefers to sit in the backseat like a big girl. :)

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